Friday, January 14, 2011

Best Flan EVER

[I got this recipe from the internet and it is FABULOUS!]

Flan Ingredients:

  • 6 large eggs
  • 2 - 12oz cans of Evaporated Skim Milk
  • 1 1/2 cups of Sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract

Caramel Ingredients:

  • 2 cups of Sugar

Making the Caramel

  1. Put the 2 cups of sugar into a pan (frying pan or pot). 
  2. Cook over med-high heat until the sugar melts and becomes a nice golden brown. (You need to watch this carefully and adjust the heat as needed. The sugar will boil as it melts, this is normal. don't let it scorch or it will have a bitter taste)
  3. Put the caramel in a 9x9 cake pan. Allow it to cool slightly while you make the flan.

**WARNING: Most plastic utensils will melt before the sugar does. It is best to use a wooden spoon or some sort of metal utensil.

Making the Flan

  1. Crack 6 eggs into a large bowl. Mix the eggs together using a fork or a whisk.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until smooth. You (Jou) can use a mixer, but all you really need is a fork or whisk.
  3. Pour this over the caramel in the cake pan.

Cooking the Flan

  1. This flan must be cooked in a water bath. Find a pan that will fit your flan pan. Make sure there is space around all sides of the flan pan. I usually use a roaster pan or lasagna pan for this.
  2. Put the flan pan with the flan ingredients into the outer pan. Put water into the outer pan high enough to come about 3/4 of the way up on the flan pan.
  3. Place the pans in a pre-heated 350 degree F oven and cook for 1 hour. Check the flan with a toothpick in the middle to ensure it is done. The flan may not look exactly firm, but if the toothpick is clean it is done.

Eat the Flan
Let the flan sit until mostly cool. Put a plate over the top of the flan pan. Make sure the plate is big enough for the flan and the caramel.

Turn the flan pan and plate over quickly, holding the plate over the top of the flan pan. Let the flan cool, the caramel will not harden. Jou now have a wonderful, delicious treat to serve! ( I refrigerated mine.)

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